How old do you need to be to sign a lease?

How old do you need to be to sign a lease?

How old do you need to be to sign a lease?

How old do you need to be to sign a lease?

While the majority of renters across Australia are over 18, there are situations where people under 18 want to rent a property.

How old does a person need to be to sign a lease?

Do the rules differ depending on the state?

In Australia, it’s illegal to discriminate on the basis of age, so technically there’s no age minimum on renting and a tenant can sign a lease at 17 (or even younger), but there are nuances in each state and territory.

New South Wales

In New South Wales, there “shouldn’t be any restriction on renting based on your age”, according to Luke Moroney, founder of Search Party Property.

Regardless of age, Frontdoor will work with owners to ensure a tenant is suitable for their property. Our reference checks are extensive and we've always given you a full picture of a tenant before you make the final decision.

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